Eco-Friendly KGeCl3 Solar Cells: Performance Enhancement Through HTL Engineering
Third Author's Department
Physics Department
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Research Article
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Proceedings of the International Semiconductor Conference, CAS
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In this study, a numerical analysis was performed by utilizing SCAPS to investigate the eco-friendly KGeCl3 perovskite as a promising absorber layer in solar cell devices. The solar cell performance was optimized by considering different suitable hole transport layer (HTL) materials. The absorber layer thickness, doping density, and defect density were investigated. The analysis revealed that V2O5 as an HTL provides the best power conversion efficiency (PCE) among all selected HTLs. The optimal performance was achieved with the solar cell structure ITO/IGZO/KGeCl3/V2O5/Au resulting in a PCE of21.23%, Voc of 0.67 V, Jsc of 42. 04 mA/cm2 and FF of 75.39% at an operating temperature of 300 K.
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Recommended Citation
APA Citation
Yasin, S.
Waar, Z.
Moustafa, M.
(2024). Eco-Friendly KGeCl3 Solar Cells: Performance Enhancement Through HTL Engineering. Proceedings of the International Semiconductor Conference, CAS, 91–94.
MLA Citation
Yasin, Shadi, et al.
"Eco-Friendly KGeCl3 Solar Cells: Performance Enhancement Through HTL Engineering." Proceedings of the International Semiconductor Conference, CAS, 2024, pp. 91–94.
Conference Paper. Record derived from SCOPUS.