How brand CSR responses to the pandemic impact brand value, growth, and rank

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Journalism & Mass Communication Department

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Ahmed Taher, Amy Rizkalla

Document Type

Research Article

Publication Title

Humanities and Social Sciences Communications

Publication Date





The top 100 brands globally in 2020 have responded to the coronavirus pandemic by donating cash, donating in kind, providing special services to their customers, and supporting their employees. The research investigates if their actions reflected on the brand value, brand growth, or brand rank change and which of the four actions, if any, significantly impacted brand performance indicators. The research showed that donations in kind and customer service responses affected brand growth. Both brand value and rank are more long-term and cannot be changed significantly by short-term responses in one year. The authors conclude with a discussion of the insights, research limitations, theoretical and managerial implications, and directions for future research.


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