Cities and climate change in developing countries

Funding Sponsor

American University in Cairo

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Jose A. Puppim de Oliveira, Shahjahan Bhuiyan

Document Type

Research Article

Publication Title

Urban Climate

Publication Date





An increasing proportion of greenhouse gas emissions is coming from urban areas, particularly in developing countries with low- and middle-income economies. While the major challenge for transitions into climate-friendly urban areas in developed countries is the reduction of their consumption footprints, the key factor for advancing the urban climate agenda in developing countries is the link between climate change and the achievement of various Sustainable Development Goals, as these countries struggle with “old problems,” including the provision of basic services and the need to raise incomes. Thus, the contributions of the articles of this special issue explore two main aspects: the understanding of the impacts of climate change in its various dimensions, and the responses and solutions cities have adopted to tackle climate change.


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