Informal employment in the health sector: Examining gender disparities
Second Author's Department
Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab/J-PAL/AUC Initiative for Egypt
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Document Type
Research Article
Publication Title
International Journal of Social Welfare
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This paper investigates the association between informal employment as a form of non-standard employment and the prevalence of in-work poverty for women in the health sector. We measured in-work poverty using a binary indicator that provides information on whether an individual has earnings above or below the low earnings threshold. The indicator takes into account household size and whether other household members are also in paid work. Using data from the Egypt Labor Market Panel Survey for the years 2012 and 2018 and logit models, we found that being employed within the health sector increased the likelihood of in-work poverty among non-standard employees, both men and women. However, higher risks of in-work poverty were witnessed among women working informally in the health sector compared to other sectors. This increased risk was particularly observed when comparing non-standard employment in the health sector to non-standard employment in non-health sectors. Furthermore, marital status plays a critical role in economic wellbeing, with never-married women being more susceptible to in-work poverty compared to ever-married women.
Recommended Citation
APA Citation
Ehab, M.
Mosaad, F.
(2024). Informal employment in the health sector: Examining gender disparities. International Journal of Social Welfare,
MLA Citation
Ehab, Maye, et al.
"Informal employment in the health sector: Examining gender disparities." International Journal of Social Welfare, 2024
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