Electrochemical catalysis for the production of green cement: towards decarbonizing the cement industry

Author's Department

Energy Materials Laboratory

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Energy Materials Laboratory

Third Author's Department

Energy Materials Laboratory

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Nour Bahnasawy, Sara Al Anany, Nageh K. Allam

Document Type

Research Article

Publication Title

Catalysis Science and Technology

Publication Date





Among the most significant sources of CO2 emissions, cement manufacturing contributes 8% of such emissions worldwide. The CO2 emissions are generated from a few key sources: around 60% comes from the decomposition of limestone into calcium oxide, 30% from the combustion of fossil fuels (mainly coal), and roughly 10% from power consumption. To reduce CO2 emissions during cement manufacturing, alternative fuels, binders, and renewable energy sources could be utilized to achieve carbon neutrality. However, the reduction of CO2 released from the conversion process of limestone into calcium oxide still presents a significant challenge. This review provides a comprehensive analysis of different electrochemical production approaches of green cement. One of these promising approaches is the decarbonization of CaCO3 into Ca(OH)2, while generating pure H2 at the cathode and O2/CO2 gas mixtures at the anode, using several pathways. Ca(OH)2 is a precursor to cement clinker, whose primary use is to manufacture Portland cement. The produced concentrated gas streams of H2 and/or O2 can be used to produce electricity with extremely little pollution through fuel cells or combustion engines. Although hydrogen is the basic fuel for fuel cells, fuel cells require oxygen too. Large portions of hydrogen and oxygen combine to form a harmless by-product, which is water. From an economic point of view, this produced electrical current can be directed to the green cement manufacturing process and can be used to power any electric motor or device.

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Review. Record derived from SCOPUS.
