The effects of bank reforms on the monetary transmission mechanism in emerging market economies: Evidence from Egypt
Author's Department
Economics Department
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Research Article
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African Development Review
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This paper investigates the transmission of monetary policy to the real economy after the adoption of bank reforms in emerging market economies (EMEs). The Egyptian case is empirically studied to test the efficacy of the banking sector as a transmission agent subsequent to the banking reforms that extended from 1991 to 2009. The structural vector autoregressive methodology is employed to investigate the impact of the interest rate and foreign exchange rate channels on output and inflation. The results of the study reveal several interactions among the two types of channels. Second, interest rate intervention proves to have substantial effects on output, but less on inflation. Third, exchange rate intervention has some effects on inflation, but less on output. Thus, both transmission channels have showed superior effectiveness after the banking reform. This indicates that the Central Bank of Egypt should not continue to depend on the interest rate channel alone, but has to additionally utilize the exchange rate channel in order to successfully achieve inflation targeting that has been its prime goal since 2003 and even more after the global food crisis of 2007/8. This ruling could prove functional when conducting monetary policy in EMEs of similar circumstances to Egypt. © 2010 The Author. African Development Review © 2010 African Development Bank.
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Recommended Citation
APA Citation
Abdel-Baki, M.
(2010). The effects of bank reforms on the monetary transmission mechanism in emerging market economies: Evidence from Egypt. African Development Review, 22(4), 526–539.
MLA Citation
Abdel-Baki, Monal
"The effects of bank reforms on the monetary transmission mechanism in emerging market economies: Evidence from Egypt." African Development Review, vol. 22, no. 4, 2010, pp. 526–539.