Law and Founding Director of the Law and Society Research Unit
Author's Department
Law and Society Research Unit
Document Type
Research Article
Publication Title
Current Legal Developments
Publication Date
The purpose of this article is not to propose yet another normative version for Jerusalem's future. Instead, I map out the major sovereignty-related issues that have traditionally preoccupied the literature on the subject, and argue that most of these issues have become moot following the latest rounds of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations. In response to this recent paradigm shift, I propose that international law scholarship should turn its attention to studying the politics of Jerusalem's private sphere, a sphere so far dismissed as "merely technical", yet also a sphere replete with such deep distributional stakes as to make it the primary arena for playing out power-relations in the city's future. I conclude with critiquing recent proposals that privatization would play a constructive role in defusing political tensions associated with the future Jerusalem.
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Recommended Citation
APA Citation
Shalakany, A. A.
(2002). Privatizing Jerusalem or an Investigation into the City's Future Legal Stakes. Current Legal Developments, 431–444.
MLA Citation
Shalakany, Amr A.
"Privatizing Jerusalem or an Investigation into the City's Future Legal Stakes." Current Legal Developments, 2002, pp. 431–444.