When Marketization Encounters Centralized Governance: Private Higher Education in Egypt
Author's Department
Public Policy & Administration Department
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Document Type
Research Article
Publication Title
International Journal of Educational Development
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The growing presence of private higher education institutions, including international branch campuses (IBCs), can potentially lead to transformations in governance and evaluation modes in contexts of state-centric steering. This paper addresses these transformations in the context of Egypt. The paper shows a hybrid progression in the legal and discursive practices governing private institutions, and a shift towards more procedural autonomy specifically in relation to IBCs. The system, however, continues to rely on a centralized a priori evaluation mode and strict controls. This reflects the inherent tensions within systems of centralized governance and weak institutional autonomy to shift into a posteriori evaluation modes, despite the forces of marketization
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Recommended Citation
APA Citation
Barsoum, G. F.
(2020). When Marketization Encounters Centralized Governance: Private Higher Education in Egypt. International Journal of Educational Development, 76(C), 1–8.
MLA Citation
Barsoum, Ghada F.
"When Marketization Encounters Centralized Governance: Private Higher Education in Egypt." International Journal of Educational Development, vol. 76, no. C, 2020, pp. 1–8.