Plain set and stirred yogurt with different additives: implementation of food safety system as quality checkpoints

Author's Department

Chemistry Department

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Aya Allam, Noha Shafik, Ahmed Zayed, Ibrahim Khalifa, Ibrahim A Bakry, Mohamed A Farag

Document Type

Research Article

Publication Title


Publication Date

Winter 1-27-2023




Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) is a risk management protocol developed to ensure food safety through a precautionary approach that is believed to offer assurances in producing safe food for customers. Yogurt is made in a number of phases, commencing with the collection of raw milk and ending with consumer consumption. While this is happening, major economic and health issues might arise from exposing the manufacturing line to biological, chemical, and/or physical contaminations. As a result, the decision tree approach was used to determine the CCPs during the production of yogurt. Additionally, biological dangers are incorporated as a by-product of the system's implementation performance. In particular, the plain set and nut puree-honey-fortified stirred yogurt manufacturing techniques are highlighted for the first time in this study. The potential manufacturing risks are described for the first time, together with information on how HACCP plans may guard against major risks that could result in the production of yogurt that is not in compliance with established standards.

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