Aqua Chiara Egypt: the story of a hurdler (2)
Author's Department
El Khazendar Business Research and Case Center
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Document Type
Research Article
Publication Date
Fall 1-11-2020
The case is about El Shorouk company for chemicals, a family business that started with an entrepreneurial idea of the founder Ibrahim Shokry. The company was mainly working in the trading of Asphalt. And due to the growth in demand, the family decided to establish a manufacturing facility. Hassan Shokry, the nephew of the founder and the company's sales manager, is thinking about the company's future and what to do within the near future.
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Recommended Citation
APA Citation
Sheta, A.
(2020). Aqua Chiara Egypt: the story of a hurdler (2). 1–11.
MLA Citation
Sheta, Ashraf
"Aqua Chiara Egypt: the story of a hurdler (2)." 2020, pp. 1–11.