Mirage: the story of a fighter (1)
Author's Department
El Khazendar Business Research and Case Center
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Document Type
Research Article
Publication Date
Spring 1-5-2019
The case addresses the story of an entrepreneur who was able to move from the banking sector to ready-made garments, and through his persistence, and execution intelligence, was able to establish a reputable brand under the name of “Mirage” which deals with the top retail companies in Egypt. The entrepreneur is facing challenges related to the nature of the business itself, as well as some external factors which are hindering the company’s performance. He is facing a dilemma over whether to continue in the business or not, and what are the options which need to be addressed.
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Recommended Citation
APA Citation
Sheta, A.
(2019). Mirage: the story of a fighter (1). 1–9.
MLA Citation
Sheta, Ashraf
"Mirage: the story of a fighter (1)." 2019, pp. 1–9.