The light at the end of the pole (2)
Author's Department
El Khazendar Business Research and Case Center
Document Type
Research Article
Publication Date
Spring 1-5-2019
The case addresses the challenges facing El Radwan company, which has worked in the field of manufacturing lighting poles for 20 years and is located on Belbees Road, toward the Sharkeya governorate. The company is facing a lot of challenges related to the local market, as well as challenges related to the external environment, mainly attributed to the devaluation of the Egyptian currency. The case tries to explore what decisions are needed to overcome the current challenges.
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Recommended Citation
APA Citation
Sheta, A.
(2019). The light at the end of the pole (2). 1–9.
MLA Citation
Sheta, Ashraf
"The light at the end of the pole (2)." 2019, pp. 1–9.