Numerical and experimental analysis of multi-channel spiral twist extrusion processing of AA5083
Author's Department
Mechanical Engineering Department
Second Author's Department
Mechanical Engineering Department
Third Author's Department
Mechanical Engineering Department
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Document Type
Research Article
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Journal, Materials Science and Engineering A
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In the current study, a comprehensive evaluation of AA5083 processed via the novel Multi-Channel Spiral Twist Extrusion (MCSTE) method was conducted. The induced stress-strain state and the deformation mechanism of multiple pass deformation via MCSTE dies with twist angle β (30°) and (40°) were analyzed using finite element analysis. Nanohardness measurements were carried out along the billet surfaces to validate the numerical model output. The micro-hardness, tensile-up-to-fracture, fracture behavior and microstructural properties were investigated. The numerical model and the empirical findings reveal that the increase in the mechanical properties of the billets processed via MCSTE die with a twist angle β (40°) was associated with a plastic strain of 0.9 (mm/mm) compared to 1.2 (mm/mm) for conventional twist extrusion dies of β (60°). For the MCSTE die with angle β (30°), the hardness and tensile properties increased as a function of increasing the number of passes, with an insignificant reduction in ductility. Processing via a die angle β (40°) was limited to one pass due to excessive strain hardening, which resulted in shear localization during the second pass. The detailed analysis presented herein validates the effectiveness of MCSTE processing as a severe plastic deformation tool with a favorable potential for industrial applications.
Recommended Citation
APA Citation
Fouad, D. M.
Moataz, A.
Salem, H. A.
(2019). Numerical and experimental analysis of multi-channel spiral twist extrusion processing of AA5083. Journal, Materials Science and Engineering A, 76,
MLA Citation
Fouad, Dina, et al.
"Numerical and experimental analysis of multi-channel spiral twist extrusion processing of AA5083." Journal, Materials Science and Engineering A, vol. 76, 2019