Clinical and mutational spectrum of xeroderma pigmentosum in Egypt: Identification of six novel mutations and implications for ancestral origins
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Xeroderma pigmentosum is a rare autosomal recessive skin disorder characterized by freckle-like dry pigmented skin, photosensitivity, and photophobia. Skin and ocular symptoms are confined to sun exposed areas of the body. Patients have markedly increased risk for UV-induced skin, ocular, and oral cancers. Some patients develop neurodegenerative symptoms, including di-minished tendon reflexes and microcephaly. In this study, we describe clinical and genetic findings of 36 XP patients from Egypt, a highly consanguineous population from North Africa. Thorough clinical evaluation followed by Sanger sequencing of XPA and XPC genes were done. Six novel and seven previously reported mutations were identified. Phenotype-genotype correlation was investi-gated. We report clinical and molecular findings consistent with previous reports of countries shar-ing common population structure, and geographical and historical backgrounds with implications on common ancestral origins and historical migration flows. Clinical and genetic profiling improves diagnosis, management, counselling, and implementation of future targeted therapies.
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APA Citation
Rabie, E.
Amr, K.
Zada, S.
El-Sayed, H.
(2021). Clinical and mutational spectrum of xeroderma pigmentosum in Egypt: Identification of six novel mutations and implications for ancestral origins. Genes, 12(2), 1–18.
MLA Citation
Rabie, Eman, et al.
"Clinical and mutational spectrum of xeroderma pigmentosum in Egypt: Identification of six novel mutations and implications for ancestral origins." Genes, vol. 12, no. 2, 2021, pp. 1–18.