The Fab Lab Classroom: Scaffolding STEM Concepts by Adopting and Adapting Design Thinking

Author's Department

International & Comparative Education Department

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International & Comparative Education Department

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Research Article

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ACM International Conference Proceeding Series

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Fabrication labs are playing a critical role in supporting science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education by providing opportunities for young learners to gather and share experiences, refine their understanding, and build creative artifacts. The formal education system in Egypt is heavily focused on rote learning, where concepts are introduced in isolation and detached from their real-world contexts. A design-based approach is proposed as an alternative, where fabrication labs serve as stimulating environments that could potentially support concept learning in STEM. However, more needs to be known about how learning STEM concepts can be scaffolded in a design-based learning experience in a fabrication lab. This paper demonstrates the initial outcomes of a research in progress that aims to generate principles for designing learning experiences that scaffold STEM concepts for young learners in fabrication labs. The initial proposed approach for learning experience design adopts and adapts the design thinking model.

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