Trade policy and input liberalization: The effect on Egyptian firms’ productivity
Funding Sponsor
Economic Research Forum
Second Author's Department
Economics Department
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Document Type
Research Article
Publication Title
Review of Development Economics
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This paper explores the link between trade liberalization and firms’performance in Egypt combining macro and micro data. Using theEconomic Census of Egypt 2013, we examine the association betweentariffs and non-tariffs measures (NTM) imposed on intermediate inputsand total factor productivity (TFP). In a first step TFP is estimated as theresidual of a Cobb-Douglas/Translog production function and in thesecond, TFP is regressed on weighted tariffs and NTM imposed onintermediate inputs. Egyptian input-output tables are used to constructthe weights. Our main findings show a positive and significant association between imported inputs and value-added and a significantly negative relationship between tariffs and TFP.
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Recommended Citation
APA Citation
Martínez Zarzoso, I.
Said, M.
Zaki, C.
(2021). Trade policy and input liberalization: The effect on Egyptian firms’ productivity. Review of Development Economics, 25(3), 1305–1325.
MLA Citation
Martínez Zarzoso, Inmaculada, et al.
"Trade policy and input liberalization: The effect on Egyptian firms’ productivity." Review of Development Economics, vol. 25, no. 3, 2021, pp. 1305–1325.