Seismic performance of steel-reinforced concrete composite columns in existing and modern construction
Funding Sponsor
Yale School of Management
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Document Type
Research Article
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Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
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The seismic performance of steel-reinforced-concrete (SRC) composite columns with non-seismic details in older buildings is not sufficiently characterized due to lack of cyclic test data. Formal recommendations for cyclic backbone curves of these columns for performance-based seismic assessment are not currently available. In addition, the effect of axial loads on the deformation capacity of SRC columns is uncertain. Furthermore, SRC composite columns with modern seismic details lack formal recommendations for nonlinear modeling parameters or acceptance criteria. This study aims to fill some of these knowledge gaps via experimental and analytical means. The cyclic behavior of five SRC composite columns with non-seismic and seismic details failing in flexural-tension or flexural-compression modes has been experimentally investigated. Test results show that tension-controlled SRC columns with non-seismic details can sustain up to 6% drift ratio with minor strength degradation, satisfying modern seismic assessment criteria and suggesting no need to be retrofitted. However, high axial loads were found to jeopardize drift capacity of compression-controlled SRC columns with non-seismic details (2% peak-load drift capacity), leading to premature axial failure. Test results suggest the possibility of relaxing the ACI 318–19 confinement requirements for tension-controlled SRC columns with seismic details. A database of past cyclic tests of SRC composite columns with seismic and non-seismic details has been developed. Database response parameter trends have been analyzed and compared. Based on the current test results and the database trends, new drift and ductility capacity expressions for SRC columns with non-seismic details in older buildings are proposed. Furthermore, based on current test results and the database trends, new ASCE 41-17-style lower bound nonlinear modeling parameters for flexural-controlled SRC composite columns with non-seismic details are proposed for performance-based seismic assessment.
Recommended Citation
APA Citation
Hassan, W.
Farag, M.
(2021). Seismic performance of steel-reinforced concrete composite columns in existing and modern construction. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 151,
MLA Citation
Hassan, Wael M., et al.
"Seismic performance of steel-reinforced concrete composite columns in existing and modern construction." Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, vol. 151, 2021