Incorporation of perlite and recycled aggregates for internal concrete curing
Document Type
Research Article
Publication Title
International Conference on Transportation and Development 2021: Transportation Planning and Development - Selected Papers from the International Conference on Transportation and Development 2021
Publication Date
Adequate curing of concrete is a fundamental step in concrete manufacturing to meet performance and durability requirements. Internal curing is a technique that can provide water to concrete for extended durations towards thorough hydration of the cement and reduced cracking. This work addresses potential use of two substitutes of ordinary aggregates for internal curing. Perlite as well as recycled concrete aggregates were incorporated at three dosages each to replace the coarse aggregates. Sets of concrete mixtures were prepared as fully cured in three different techniques: water, applying a curing compound, and with no curing. Fresh concrete and hardened concrete properties were evaluated. Results revealed that the incorporation of pre-wetted/saturated perlite and recycled aggregates can lead to significant enhancement in concrete workability and durability through reduced shrinkage. An enhancement of concrete strength at various stages was recorded, and recommendations were given for future use of perlite and recycled aggregates.
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Recommended Citation
APA Citation
Hammam, A.
Ismail, M.
Roushdy, M.
El Ghonemy, M.
(2021). Incorporation of perlite and recycled aggregates for internal concrete curing. International Conference on Transportation and Development 2021: Transportation Planning and Development - Selected Papers from the International Conference on Transportation and Development 2021, 225–234.
MLA Citation
Hammam, Ahmed, et al.
"Incorporation of perlite and recycled aggregates for internal concrete curing." International Conference on Transportation and Development 2021: Transportation Planning and Development - Selected Papers from the International Conference on Transportation and Development 2021, 2021, pp. 225–234.