Dissecting grilled red and white meat flavor: Its characteristics, production mechanisms, influencing factors and chemical hazards
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Research Article
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Food Chemistry
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Meat flavor is composed of a complex mixture of volatile compounds developed as a result of heat driven multi-directional reactions. Typical reactions include Maillard reaction, lipid oxidation, as well as nitrogenous compounds degradation. Such complex flavor is characterized by a rich variety of volatile species, and to strongly influence consumer's preference. The objective of this review is to holistically dissect the flavor characteristic for cooked meat products with special emphasis on grilling and the factors that affect their production to ensure best quality and or safety levels. The review also highlights different analytical techniques used for the detection of flavor compounds in grilled meat. This comprehensive literature research critically analyze grilled flavor derived from heat mediated reactions, with a special emphasis on key flavors or hazard chemicals and their production mechanism. The various influencing factors i.e., grilling temperature, meat, food components, animal ante-mortem factors and food additives are summarized.
Recommended Citation
APA Citation
Bassam, S.
Noleto-Dias, C.
Farag, M.
(2022). Dissecting grilled red and white meat flavor: Its characteristics, production mechanisms, influencing factors and chemical hazards. Food Chemistry, 371,
MLA Citation
Bassam, Samar M., et al.
"Dissecting grilled red and white meat flavor: Its characteristics, production mechanisms, influencing factors and chemical hazards." Food Chemistry, vol. 371, 2022