Fabrication of rationally designed CNTs supported binary nanohybrid with multiple approaches to boost electrochemical performance
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Islamia University of Bahawalpur
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Research Article
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Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry
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An electrode with a three-dimensional spatial framework, good electrical conductivity, higher specific surface area, porous structure, and binder-free design is considered to be most ideal for supercapacitor applications. It is a major challenge for the electrochemical researchers to manufacture an electrode material with a rational design that exhibits all of the above features. In this context, we have fabricated nanostructured Co3O4 and its nanohybrid with carbon nanotubes via a single-step hydrothermal route. A binary nanohybrid sample directly decorated on the three-dimensional nickel foam was used as a binder-free electrode for supercapacitor applications. Our electrode fabricated with multiple approaches showed an excellent specific capacitance of 852 Fg−1 @ 1 Ag−1 and the best rate capability of 89.7% @ 12 Ag−1. Moreover, the nanohybrid electrode possessed outstanding cyclic stability of 91.6% retention after 7000 Galvanostatic charge–discharge cycles. The superior electrochemical activity of the binary nanohybrid is benefiting from its porous nanostructure, hybrid composition, higher specific surface area (145 m2g−1), good electrical conductivity (3.3 × 10−2 Sm−1), and binder-free design. Application study results suggested that multiple approaches for preparing the supercapacitor electrode were constructive and encouraging.
Recommended Citation
APA Citation
Aadil, M.
Zulfiqar, S.
Shahid, M.
Agboola, P.
(2021). Fabrication of rationally designed CNTs supported binary nanohybrid with multiple approaches to boost electrochemical performance. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 884,
MLA Citation
Aadil, Muhammad, et al.
"Fabrication of rationally designed CNTs supported binary nanohybrid with multiple approaches to boost electrochemical performance." Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, vol. 884, 2021