Novel Ka-band 'offset-divider/combiner' with reflection cancellation
Author's Department
Electronics & Communications Engineering Department
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Research Article
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IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest
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A novel power divider/combiner concept is presented and demonstrated at Ka-band. The new offset-divider/combiner concept provides reflection cancelation, and 1-to-N or N:/1 (arbitrary N, including odd numbers) splitting or summing with equal or unequal power division/summation. Additionally, it has inherently low loss due to its use of low impedance transmission lines. It can be implemented in most technologies (microstrip, CPW, stripline, waveguide, etc.). In this paper, the new concept is demonstrated with a 27-33 GHz divider/combiner using microstrip technology. The bandwidth can be easily expanded to cover an octave. © 2014 IEEE.
Recommended Citation
APA Citation
Darwish, A.
Ibrahim, A.
Qiu, J.
Viveiros, E.
Hung, H.
(2014). Novel Ka-band 'offset-divider/combiner' with reflection cancellation. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest,
MLA Citation
Darwish, Ali M., et al.
"Novel Ka-band 'offset-divider/combiner' with reflection cancellation." IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, 2014