Does Private Higher Education Improve Employment Outcomes? Comparative Analysis from Egypt
Author's Department
Public Policy & Administration Department
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Research Article
Publication Title
Public Organization Review
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Private players are often perceived as powerful drivers of innovation and efficiency. This argument remains untested in the field of higher education. This paper examines whether there are differences in the labour market outcomes for graduates of public and private higher education institutions in Egypt. Relying on a unique data set tracing graduates, the analysis shows that the type of higher education institution has no statistically significant effect on graduates’ job security and earnings. Ascribed characteristics of gender and parental socio-economic background, along with the sector of employment, were the key predictors of these labour market outcomes.
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APA Citation
Barsoum, G. F.
(2018). Does Private Higher Education Improve Employment Outcomes? Comparative Analysis from Egypt. Public Organization Review, 18(1), 125–142.
MLA Citation
Barsoum, Ghada F.
"Does Private Higher Education Improve Employment Outcomes? Comparative Analysis from Egypt." Public Organization Review, vol. 18, no. 1, 2018, pp. 125–142.