Achieving Net Zero-Energy Buildings through Retrofitting Existing Residential Buildings Using PV Panels
Author's Department
Construction Engineering Department
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Document Type
Research Article
Publication Title
Energy Procedia
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The study starts with the analysis of the current situation of both the existing buildings and the energy sector in Egypt, analyzing the energy consumption patterns and the inefficiencies leading to these patterns, then defining the nZEB concept to familiarize the reader with its different aspects. The empirical part of the study utilizes simulation to validate the proposed guideline by applying it on an already existing residential building. The detailed steps of converting an already existing residential building to an nZEB is the final outcome of the research.
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APA Citation
Albadry, S.
Tarabieh, K.
Sewilam, H.
(2017). Achieving Net Zero-Energy Buildings through Retrofitting Existing Residential Buildings Using PV Panels. Energy Procedia, 115, 195–204.
MLA Citation
Albadry, Somaya, et al.
"Achieving Net Zero-Energy Buildings through Retrofitting Existing Residential Buildings Using PV Panels." Energy Procedia, vol. 115, 2017, pp. 195–204.