A method for performance-based seismic design of reinforced concrete frame buildings
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National Science Foundation
Author's Department
Construction Engineering Department
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Document Type
Research Article
Publication Title
COMPDYN Proceedings
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© 2019 The authors. A method for preliminary design of reinforced-concrete frames to satisfy predefined performance objectives is developed. It is directly based on performance targets and therefore fits in the context of emerging next-generation performance-based engineering. The key objective of the proposed method is achieving designs that are more reliable in meeting the targeted performance so that subsequent performance assessment iterations are minimized, while at the same time maintaining traditional design formats. The procedure is an adaptation of the force-based design where a force-reduction factor is still used; however, its value is calculated based on displacement parameters that are estimated at the initial design stage. Extensive parametric studies encompassing the inelastic response of regular moment-resisting frames to several ground motion records are performed, employing hundreds of nonlinear time-history analyses where the seismic records are scaled to different intensities to drive the structures to different levels of inelastic excursion. By conducting statistical analysis of the created response databank, a mathematical expression that relates the maximum displacement to some geometrical factors as well as a performance and damage metrics can be developed, while being independent of the frame section dimensions, such that it can be used at the initial stage of design. Using this estimate of maximum displacement, designers can calculate approximate values of force-reduction factors that are well correlated to performance, and then design can proceed in the conventional way.
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APA Citation
ElKassas, S. H.
AbdelMooty, M. N.
Fahmy, E. H.
Ahmed, E. Y.
(2019). A method for performance-based seismic design of reinforced concrete frame buildings. COMPDYN Proceedings, 3, 5041–5060.
MLA Citation
ElKassas, Soha, et al.
"A method for performance-based seismic design of reinforced concrete frame buildings." COMPDYN Proceedings, vol. 3, 2019, pp. 5041–5060.