Tunability and Sensing Properties of Plasmonic/1D Photonic Crystal
Author's Department
Physics Department
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Research Article
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Scientific Reports
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© The Author(s) 2017. Gold/one-dimensional photonic crystal (Au/1D-PC) is fabricated and applied for sensitive sensing of glucose and different chemical molecules of various refractive indices. The Au layer thickness is optimized to produce surface plasmon resonance (SPR) at the right edge of the photonic band gap (PBG). As the Au deposition time increased to 60 sec, the PBG width is increased from 46 to 86 nm in correlation with the behavior of the SPR. The selectivity of the optimized Au/1D-PC sensor is tested upon the increase of the environmental refractive index of the detected molecules. The resonance wavelength and the PBG edges increased linearly and the transmitted intensity increased nonlinearly as the environment refractive index increased. The SPR splits to two modes during the detection of chloroform molecules based on the localized capacitive coupling of Au particles. Also, this structure shows high sensitivity at different glucose concentrations. The PBG and SPR are shifted to longer wavelengths, and PBG width is decreased linearly with a rate of 16.04 Å/(μg/mm3) as the glucose concentration increased. The proposed structure merits; operation at room temperature, compact size, and easy fabrication; suggest that the proposed structure can be efficiently used for the biomedical and chemical application.
Recommended Citation
APA Citation
Shaban, M.
Ahmed, A.
Abdel-Rahman, E.
Hamdy, H.
(2017). Tunability and Sensing Properties of Plasmonic/1D Photonic Crystal. Scientific Reports, 7,
MLA Citation
Shaban, Mohamed, et al.
"Tunability and Sensing Properties of Plasmonic/1D Photonic Crystal." Scientific Reports, vol. 7, 2017