Shelley, Hermeneutics and Poetics: Metaphor as Translation
English & Comparative Literature Department
Percy Bysshe Shelley’s work in the field of poetics is a memorable rejoinder to Enlightenment historicism, just as it provides a theoretical basis for reading his own poetry in terms of a hermeneutical approach to knowledge. However, while rich in suggestions concerning how Shelley’s work might be read, the critical tradition in general has tended to neglect hermeneutics in favor of either formal or text-specific approaches. What this paper seeks to explore instead is the hermeneutical significance of Shelley’s conception of poetics. The hermeneutical approach will be used to explain how Shelley conceives of language as a process whereby meaning itself is derived from the metaphorical nature of verbal experience. Accordingly, this paper makes three related claims: first, Shelley’s reflections on the origins of language, as most strongly presented in Defense of Poetry, assigns metaphor a role that is inseparable from the problem of translation, broadly conceived; second, Shelley’s Prometheus Unbound demonstrates on a figurative level how the human imagination forms the bridge (or translates) between diverse mental faculties; finally, the ‘theory of metaphor’ that Shelley elaborates evokes a view of language that can be examined through a reader-response approach to the hermeneutical tradition. Th is final claim will allow us to demonstrate how a phenomenology of reading employs an intertextual approach to literature that is responsive to temporal claims.
Publication Date
Document Type
Book Chapter
Book Title
Translational Hermeneutics
Radegundis Stolze, John Stanley, and Larisa Cercel
Zeta Books
First Page
Last Page
Translational Hermeneutics: The First Symposium
Language & Linguistics, Literary Theory, Criticism, Literature, Philosophy
English Language and Literature | Philosophy
Recommended Citation
APA Citation
Melaney, W. D.
(2015). Shelley, Hermeneutics and Poetics: Metaphor as Translation. In Radegundis Stolze, John Stanley, and Larisa Cercel (Eds.), Translational Hermeneutics (pp. 389-408). Zeta Books.
MLA Citation
Melaney, William Donald.
"Shelley, Hermeneutics and Poetics: Metaphor as Translation." Translational Hermeneutics, edited by Radegundis Stolze, John Stanley, and Larisa Cercel, Zeta Books, 2015. pp. 389-408