
There have been many studies focusing on different types of traffic delays, pedestrians’ interaction at signalized intersections and economic losses as a result of these delays. However, there is a huge gap in the current literature, regionally and globally, in studying the traffic delays associated with jaywalking. In Egypt, jaywalking is considered a common phenomenon, however, population increased drastically over the past decades in Greater Cairo leading to more congested streets. This research provides a case study that investigates the economic effect of jaywalking on traffic flow in Mashaal, a sample location in Greater Cairo, due to traffic congestion. The research uses the methodology used by the World Bank to calculate the monetary value of traffic congestion due to jaywalking. There are different categories in calculating the economic impact of jaywalking as source of non-recurring delays; however, the method used will focus on calculating the direct cost due to nonrecurring travel time delays as a result of jaywalking. The empirical findings of the research are based on primary sources. In the analysis section of the research, the value of losses due to jaywalking was calculated to investigate the amount of losses as a result of the jaywalking phenomena in case study. Finally, a conclusion is drawn based on the findings; in addition some recommendations and a sample awareness campaign that could be used by policymakers in order to answer the call for further research in the field of traffic congestion and to start taking some action.


School of Global Affairs and Public Policy


Public Policy & Administration Department

Degree Name

MA in Public Administration

Graduation Date

Spring 6-18-2018

Submission Date


First Advisor

Khaled Abdelhalim

Committee Member 1

Ahmed Mousa

Committee Member 2

Ghada Barsoum

Committee Member 3

Khaled Abdelhalim


84 p.

Document Type

Master's Thesis

Institutional Review Board (IRB) Approval

Approval has been obtained for this item
