Theses/Dissertations from 2025
Partial Replacement of Ordinary Portland Cement in Concrete by Limestone Calcined Clay (LC2), Merna Abdelaziz
Flexural Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Beams using NSM GFRP: Assessing Key Parameters, Berlant Arab
Organizational Change Management in Egypt; Contractors’ Perspective, Karim Ayoub
A Framework to Harmonize Legal Provisions in Infrastructure PPP Projects in Egypt Funded by Multilateral Development Banks, Menna ElKadi
Advanced Construction Scheduling: Capturing Conditional and Stochastic Relationships, Amr Elsabagh
Practicality of Implementing Sub-Clause 8.4 [Advance Warning] of the FIDIC 2017 Red Book in Egypt, Gehad Ibrahim
Operation and Maintenance Costs in Reverse Osmosis Desalination Projects Adopting Public-Private Partnerships: A Comprehensive Investigation and Analysis, Mayar Mohamed Khairy
A Global Assessment Tool for Reduction of CO2 Emissions Associated with Portland Cement and Relevant Sectors, Esraa Ahmed Sayed Mohamed Khalil
Selecting Green Wall Adoption Best Solutions Using Optimization: Addressing Barriers and Maximizing Benefits, Samar Nadeem
An LLM Approach for Automating the Analysis of BIM (IFC) Data, Miral Selim
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Enhancing Concrete Sustainability with Self-Healing Technologies, Al Shimaa Abdullatif
Automated Management of Time Extension Claims in Construction Projects, mariam elazhary
Developing and Forecasting the Egyptian Construction Cost Index, Mayada Elsaied
Metakaolin-based Geopolymer Concrete; Synthesis, Development and Characterization, Heba Fouad
Thermal Insulation and Fire Protection Plaster for FRP System Incorporating Aerogel Nanoparticles and Phyllosilicates, Athnasious Ghaly
Integrated Project Delivery (IPD): A Contractual Framework for the Egyptian Construction Industry, Sarah Hussain
A Machine Learning Framework for Predicting Fabrication Hours for Industrial Steel Structure Projects, Dalia Ibrahim
Towards a Sustainable Model for Finishing Materials in Mixed-Use Gated Community Buildings, Dina Mohamed Shawky Ismail
Mechanical and Electromagnetic Properties of Incorporating Graphene Oxide in Cementitious Mixtures, Cherif Khalil
Properties of Portland Cement Concrete Incorporating Basalt-Based Pozzolanic Cement, Rana Khalil
Prediction of Distresses in Pavement Networks: A Machine Learning Approach, Mahmoud Kotb
Reducing Water Footprint in Portland Cement Concrete Manufacturing, Mohamed Nagy
Applicability of Using Bio-Receptive Concrete For Building Facades in Egypt, Gina Roupheil
Experimental Insights into Friction Losses of Post-Tensioned Precast Full-Scale Girders, Mostafa Serry
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
VR-Based Safety Training Program for High-Rise Building Construction, Sahar Badr
Smart 360-Degree Photography for Enhancing Construction Progress Reporting, Ahmed Bahakim
Building envelope retrofits for achieving thermal comfort in naturally ventilated buildings in future climates: A case study of social housing in Egypt, Donna Nader Kamel Ebeid
An Artificial Intelligence Framework to Contractor Financial Prequalification, Salah Elgamal
Optimizing Repayment Strategies for Egyptian Construction Companies with Multiple Loans, Moataz Elkady
Unlocking the potential of Earned Value management in construction: A Comparative Study, Mohamed Elsaid
An Artificial Intelligence Tool for the Selection of Delay Analysis Technique in Construction, Mostafa Farouk
Resources Based Planning Framework for Infrastructure Maintenance and Rehabilitation Projects, Heba Gad
Price Prediction Models of Metals Considering International Crises, Haidy Ghali
Optimization of Contractor’s Cash Flow Based on Subcontractor’s Payment Management Plans, Helen Ghali
Influence of Organizational Culture and Leadership Style on Disputes in Construction Projects – A Contractor’s Perspective, Omneya Nader Mekhaimer
Spatial Autocorrelation Analysis for Construction Sites, Raghda Moharram
The Feasibility of using High Strength Stainless Steel In Pre-stressing Applications, Rana Khaled Morsy
Development and Prediction of a Construction Price Index in Egypt, Mohamed Ramadan
Implications of Good Faith in Construction Contracts, Nadine Rashed
Effect of Waste-based Geopolymer on Asphalt Binder Properties, Amani Ashraf Ahmed Saleh
Enhancing construction safety training of bridges using augmented reality and virtual reality, Mohamed Sherif Elrifaee
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
A Framework for Real-time Spatial Labor Data Analytics from Construction Sites, Hoda Abouorban
Legal Characterization of the Challenges Faced by the Construction Industry During Covid-19 And Devaluation of the Egyptian Pound, Riham Abuzaid
Mathematical Modeling and Optimization of Water Efficiency in Residential Buildings, Mahmoud Amin
Rework Prediction on a Construction Site through BIM & ANN Integration, Raghda Attia
Final Bid Price Estimation for Negotiated Contracts: Bargaining Game Theory Approach, Amr El Mahallaoui
A Model for the Sustainable Achievement of the Optimum Return for Crops in Greenhouses, Eman ElNahas
A Quality Management System Implementation Framework for Contracting Companies in Egypt, Noha Elsokhn
Strengthening of Long RC Columns Using Near Surface Mounted GFRP Bars, Ahmed Romaih
Project Leanness Score: A Machine Learning Approach, Julia Said
Flexural Strengthening of RC Slabs using Near Surface Mounted GFRP bars, Sama Taha
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Prestressed Concrete Slabs with Bonded and Unbonded Tendons, Jasmin Abdelhalim
A Proposal for the Use of Failure Mode and Effect Analysis as Risk Management Tool in Construction, Wahbi Albasyouni
Optimization of Cash Flow and Financing Costs in Construction Projects, Sara Ayman Abdelrahman Mostafa Hussein
Using System Dynamics to Study the Effect of Change Orders on Labor Productivity, Shrouk Gharib
Assessment of Carbon Dioxide Emission and Its Impact on High-Rise Mixed-Use Buildings in Egypt, Ahmed Salah Hamza
Impact of Construction Technology on Insurance Premiums, Salma Mohamed Ibrahim
A Web-Based Change Control Management Toolkit for Lump-Sum Turnkey Contractors: Transformation to Third Generation, Ahmed Omran
Assessment of Contract Terms and Conditions for Lump-sum Contracts, Omar Othman
Interactive Expert System for Budgeting World Bank Consultancy Projects, Yosra Rafat
Multi-skilled Labor Optimization with Partial Allocation of Resources, Amira Saleh
Assessment of Key Imperatives for Enhancing Precast Adoptability in Egypt, Mostafa Sameh
Model for the Automated Generation of Optimized Work Packages in Results-Based-Finance Mega Sanitation Projects, Amira Mohamed Hasan Shalaby
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Analysis of concurrent delays in the construction industry, Yasmin El Hakim
Improving the Economic Viability and Flexural Strength Performance of Dowel Laminated Casaurina Glauca Patchwood, Hesham Elseginy
Improving the economic viability and flexural strength performance of dowel laminated Casuarina glauca patchwood, Hesham Elseginy
A novel truss formwork made from Casuarina wood, Moustafa Hussein
Impact of autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) on modern constructions: A case study in the new Egyptian administrative capital, Esraa Ahmed Khalil
BIM-based structural optimization for reinforced concrete floors using evolutionary algorithms, Mohamed Ayman Sherif
A decision support system for managing results-based financed mega infrastructure programs, Kareem Zahran
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Users' obstacles to ICT adoption in Egyptian construction companies., Ahmed Azzam
An Ontology Framework for Addressing Cost Overrun through Risk Modeling: A Risk Path Approach, Tamima Sherif Elbashbishy
A proposed assessment scheme for smart sustainable urban development, Ilham Abdelfattah Elfiky
A framework for sustainable slum development based on zero waste concept: "Learn to Earn Model", Sally Maher Elgizawy
Modified force/displacement-based procedure for performance-based seismic design of regular RC frames, Soha Hassan Nashaat ElKassas
BIM-Based model for the automatic generation and optimization of planning and 4-D scheduling for concrete skeleton: A graph theory approach, Yasmeen Essawy
Performance of Steel-Jacketed RC columns using various cementitious materials, Saadeldin Mostafa Saadeldin Mohamed Mostafa
Prediction of construction material prices using macroeconomic indicators: A neural networks model, Ahmed Shiha
Time-cost Trade-off Analysis for Highway Construction projects, Tesfu Oqubagabir Tedla
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Optimization of multiple resources for multi-projects, Sarah Aboul Fotouh
Proposed force majeure clause for construction contracts under prevailing laws, Amr Mohammad Abu Helw
Flooring systems from locally grown Casuarina wood: Performance evaluation based on simulated in-service testing, Tariq Mohamed Almahallawi
Energy retrofit decision support model for existing educational buildings in Egypt, Rania Eltahan
Seismic performance of steel-reinforced concrete composite columns of older and modern construction, Mayer Gerges Farag
Infrastructure projects in Egypt: A decision-support framework for the selection from World Bank lending instruments, Mohamed Bahgat Moussa
Identifying strategies and techniques for the Egyptian medium and large size contractors to respond to economic hardship, Michael Salib
Feasibility analysis model for construction of soccer stadiums, Mohamed Zakaria Serageldin
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
The effect of mixing water temperature on concrete properties in hot weather conditions, Mennatallah Amr Assal
Assessment of bridges' expansion joints in Egypt, Abdelhay Mohamed Badawy
User friendly progress reporting system for construction projects, Mohamed ElGindi
Causes of variation orders in the Egyptian construction industry: Time and cost impacts, Jwanda Mohamed El Sarag
Design and constructability of funicular arched steel truss (FAST) false-work, Ahmed El Sayed
Simulation and optimization model for the construction of electrical substations, Rania Fayed
Engineering characteristics of rocks in Qatar; Applications on excavation and tunneling, Ahmed Fawzy Kassem
An integrated framework approach for PPP projects in Egypt, Nada Sherin Mohy El Din