Theses/Dissertations from 1989
Child language development in the first year, Merhan Nader Ezz El Din
Teaching Arabic to non-Arab muslim children through Islamic culture, Mustapha Yusuf Ibrahim
Some reflexions on Mamluk silks, Claire Cecile Louca
Theses/Dissertations from 1987
ʻAbd al-Rahṃān al-Rāfiʻī and the ʻUrābī revolution: A critical appraisal, Walid A Attallah
The Shahnama of Firdusi of 990/1582 in the Laurenziana Library of Florence: An Analysis of the Miniatures, Francesca Casule
An historical study of Hajj administration in Northern Nigeria, 1954-1966, Yakubu Ahmed Danfuloti
Shifts in the Egyptian national identity during the 1930s as chronicled in the Egyptian Gazette: a content analysis, Auwal A Nassir
Qaytbay's decoration: an analysis of the architectural decoration of various Cairene facades from the period of Qaytbay, ʻAlaʼ ad-Din Shahin
Theses/Dissertations from 1986
A thematic analysis of the journal, articles, interviews and speeches of Mohammed Husayn Haykal, Malak Badrawi
The Islamic domed tombs of Central Sudan, Intisar Soghayroun Elzein
The complex of Sultān Al-Mu'ayyad Shaykh at Bāb Zuwayla, Tarek M Swelim
Fatimid lustre: Origins, Evolution and Influence, Katie M Ziglar
Theses/Dissertations from 1985
The meaning of exponents of 'Iʻrāb to contemporary educated Egyptians, Raghda Essawi
Discrepancies of language associations between Arabic, American English, Indian English and Japanese, Zeinab Mohamed Ibrahim
The role of tradition and the individual talent in the love poetry of Ahmad Shawqi, Saneya Shaarawi Lanfranchi
The concept of motherhood in Islam, Aliah Schleifer
An edition and review of Al-Rajabī's Fī sha'n tārīkh al-wazīr Muhạmmad ʻAlī, Husam Na'em Shakhshir
Pausing in modern standard Arabic: an experimental study, Azza Mohamed Waked
Niqūlā Al-Turk as a source on the French occupation of Egypt, Margarethe Elise Weyergang
Theses/Dissertations from 1984
A comparative study of Arabic language achievement of bilinguals and monolinguals in Egypt, Moufida Badr
Waqāʼiʻ Hạ̄rat al-Zaʻfrānī, Jamāl Ghītạ̄nī
Islamic education in Northern Nigeria, Saidu Bako Gumel
Cosmogenesis, anthropogenesis and the land of reality, Ibn al-ʻArabī
Qibla orientation versus street alignment in the Mosques and Madrasas from Qaytbay to the end of the Mamluk period, Injy Roy Shediac
Theses/Dissertations from 1983
Negation in literary Arabic, Sophie Ragheb Abdou
A comparative study of six Guha anecdotes which correspond in both Arabic and Sicilian versions, Francesca Maria Corrao
al-Masālih ̣al-mursalah as treated by al-Ghazālī, Yusuf Dalhat
Tense and time referent of the active participle in modern standard Arabic, Nadia Khalil Harb
Sultan Al-Mansur Qalawun's policy with the Latin States of Syria 1279-90, and the fall of Acre, Adil Ismail Muhammad Hilal
The Maghāzī element in the Musnad of Ibn Hạnbal, Ahṃad ibn Muhạmmad Ibn Hạnbal
Efficiency of the language used as the medium of instruction in Egyptian primary schools, Younis Hussein Khadrawi
Musṭạfā Kāmel's letters from France, 1895-1896, Andrea W Lorenz
Theses/Dissertations from 1982
Language levels in Yūsuf Idrīs's writings, Hassan El-Banna Mustafa Ezz El-Din
A statistical analysis of the style of four arab writers: El Rafʻi, Ahmed Amin, Taha Husain and Salama Mousa, Mahmoud Sami Ibrahim Mousa
Yoruba-Arabic: a study of the Arabic sounds as produced by Yoruba learners of classical Arabic, Abdul Ganiy Abdus Salaam Oladosu
Theses/Dissertations from 1981
A correlational study between authenticity of Arabic pronunciation and attitude toward the Egyptian society among a group of CASA students, Amin Hosny Bonnah
Wikalas of Bulaq: the relation between commerce, buidings and topography, Nelly Hanna
The women language variations as a reflection of the female position in the Egyptian society, Laila Ahmad El-Sawi Sawi
The language of front page newspaper headlines: the study covers the period from January 1980 to March 1981 with reference to October and November of 1973, Zeinab Ahmed Taha
Theses/Dissertations from 1980
A translation of Al-Ghazālī's Kitāb adāb Al-Nikāh,̣ the Book of the etiquette of marriage, Mustapha Adekunle Babadare Adeyanju
Topography and architecture of the North-eastern suburb of Cairo in the Circassian period, Doris Behrens-Abouseif
The symbol of wine in pre-Islamic poetry, Mohammed Ahmad Birairy
A study and a translation of nine stories by Majid Tubia with special reference to the element of the fantastic, Nadia Gohar
Theses/Dissertations from 1979
An error analysis study of some problematic aspects of modern standard Arabic adverbials facing the students of CASA and ALU at AUC, Alaa El Din El Gibali
Bone and ivory carving in early Islamic Egypt, Marilyn Ereshefsky
The nascent development of administrative structures during the period of prophetic government in Medina, Nagwa Selim Hedayet
Commercial architecture in fifteenth-century Cairo: the Wikālat Qāʼit Bāy at the side of the Mosque of Al-Azhar, Elizabeth Lee Higashi
Problems of teaching standard Arabic & Egyptian colloquial simultaneously to the beginning learners of Arabic, Ahmad Hasan Hoksha
Polychrome underglaze pottery of the Ayyubid and Bahrī periods, Amy Whittier Newhall
Thematic concerns in the speeches and dialogues of ʻAbdallah Al-Nadīm, Etidal Osman
The Bahṛī Mamluk monumental entrances of Cairo, Hilary L Roe
A translation of ibn Hazm's Mulakhkhas ibtāl Al-Qiyās wa Al-Ra'y wa Al-Istihsān wa Al-taqlīd wa Al-Taʻlīl, Abdul Quadir Zubair
Theses/Dissertations from 1978
A bibliography of Ibrāhīm ʻAbd Al-Qādir Al-Māzinī with a critical introduction, Nabila Mehanni Assyuti
Rifāʻah At-Tạhṭạ̄wī and the revival of practical philosophy: an examination of neo-classicism in his The paths of Egyptian minds in the joys of modern manners, John Ricardo Cole
Stucco ornament in Cairene architecture, 970-1250, Diana Curtiss
The theory of consensus according to Saif Al-Dīn al-Āmidī, Aaminah Durrani
The mosque of Asḷam Al-Silahḍār, Chāhinda Fahmī Karīm
The mosque of Aṣlam al-Silāḥdār, Chahinda Fahmi Karim
Theses/Dissertations from 1977
Cairene Bahri Mamluk minbars, Gloria Sergine Ohan Karnouk
Al-fallāh ̣(the peasant) by ʻAbd al-Rahṃān al-Sharqāwī, Sara J M Marsden
A translation of the sections of al-Balādhurī's Ansāb al-Ashrāf on ʻAbd al-Malik, al-Walīd, Sulaymān, Yazīd and Hishām followed by brief critical studies, Richard T Mortel
A translation of the novel Al-Harām by Yūsuf Idrs̄ with a critical introduction, Kristin Peterson
Theses/Dissertations from 1976
Early sabīls and their standardization, Sophie W Ebeid
The madrasa of Umm al Sultān Shaʻbān, Leonor E Fernandes
A study of relative clauses in English and colloquial Egyptian Arabic, Ahmed Abdel Azim Gad Gomaa
Al-Ghazālī's Kitāb al-tawhị̄d wa'l-tawakkul, John Herbert A McHugo
The book on the secrets of pilgrimage (Kitāb ʼasrār al-hajj) by ʼAbū H̉āmid Muhạmmad al-Ghazālī, Ibrahim Umar
Theses/Dissertations from 1975
Catalogue of Mamluk doors with metal revetments, Hoda Batanouni
A translation and critical assessment of the reign of ʻUthman B. ʻAffān based on al-Balādhuri's Ansār al-ashrāf, Waguida El Bakary
A study of Koran-readers in medieval Islam with special reference to the activities of Al-Shātibī (538/1143-590-1194), Masaru Horiuchi
A translation of ʻAlī ʻAbd al-Rāziq's al-Islām wa usūl al-hụkm: with a brief introductory study, Jim L King
A translation of the unique Leiden autograph of Al-Jabartī, with an introduction and a critical appraisal of the manuscript, Hoda A Lotfy
Theses/Dissertations from 1974
The reign of Sulaymān ibn ʻAbd Al-Malik:a critical assessment, Taj Mohammad Hargey
al-Muhạ̄walāt al-hạdīthah li-isḷāh ̣al-nahẉ al-ʻArabī fī Misṛ, ʻAbd al-Wārith Mabrūk Saʻīd
ʻAlī Mubārak : the man and his achievements, Suzanne Sidhom
Theses/Dissertations from 1973
The longer stories of Yūsuf Idrīs, Mona Kamel ʻAbd el-Salām
The structure of the caravan trade in Western Arabia during the period immediately prior and subsequent to the rise of Islam, Najwa Nazim Abdul Hadi
Three glosses on Kitāb al-Fasị̄h ̣, Medhat Edmond Credi
The Hijra to Abyssinia, Barbara Croken
The poetry of ʻAbd al-Sạmad B. al-Muʻadhdhal: the collection of his extent [sic] poetry, its appraisal and his biography, Hassan Mohammad Abdul Hadi Isa
The Battle of the Camel, Linda D Lau
The history of the Abbasid Caliphate in Egypt during the mamluk period 659-923 A.H./1261-1517 A.D., Ben Ndike Tobg-Nsangou
The French expedition to Egypt: its goals and their effect on cross-cultural inter-relationships, Michele C Worthing
Theses/Dissertations from 1972
Abd al-Rahman al-Sharqawi and his novels, Buthayna Ibrahim Elwan
al-Sultānīyyā, Farida Makar
The Ghawriyya in the urban context: an analysis of its form and function, Shahira G Mehrez
The Role of the Bedouin in Egyptian Politics in the Period 1750-1850, Mahmud Tabo Muhammad
A critical study of Muhammad Husayn Haykal's "Hayāt Muhammad", Dawud Olatokumbo Shittu
A critical study of the poems on the battle of Siffīn in the book "Waqʻat Siffīn" by Nasṛ B. Muzāhịm Al-Minqarī, Ali Naibi Suwaid
The Role of the Merchant Class under the Early Circassian Sultans, 784-824 A.H./1382-1421 A.D., Takeshi Yukawa
Theses/Dissertations from 1971
Al-Māwardī on the vizierate and the provincial Amirates: a translation and commentary, Leslie J. Collins
The Fatimi Mausolea of Cairo, Caroline Ransom Williams
Theses/Dissertations from 1970
Muhammad's tribal policy in relation to the geography of the Maghāzī, Donald L Blackwelder
The outbreak of the Ridda and the campaign of Khālid b. al-Walīd in Central Arabia, James F Gould
A critical study of Abū Yūsuf and his Kitāb Al Kharāj, Abubakar Aliu Gwandu
The poetry of ʻUrwa B. Udhayna: the collection of his extant poetry, its appraisal and his biography, Abdul Ali Abdul Hamid Muhammad Hamid
Theses/Dissertations from 1969
Naqd Ibn Taymīyah li-nazarīyat wahḍat al-wujūd = Ibn Taymiya's criticism of monism, Muhạmmad ʻAbd Allāh ʻAfīfī