The Science Slam invites young researchers to show their innovative ideas in a creative and concise presentation to a non-specialized audience.

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Beauty Industry in Egypt

Mohamed Hossam

Colored Patch for Wound Healing

Isra Ali, Zewail City

Concrete: The Hero Against Carbon Dioxide Emissions by

Sara El-Gamal, The American University in Cairo AUC

Foliar Spray of Biogenic Coated Nano Copper Species as an Herbicide for Plant Growth

Hanaa Essa

Let's Move It

Nehal Ghoneim, The American University in Cairo AUC

Method and Apparatus to Reduce Water and Energy for Agriculture without Soil System

Alaaeldin Feteha, E-JUST

Overcoming Egypt's Trash Problem

Nadia Goldstar, The American University in Cairo AUC

Science Slam-Announcement of the Winners and Closing

Laila Ziko, The American University in Cairo AUC

Science Slam-Opening Session

Laila Ziko, The American University in Cairo AUC

Self Cleaning Technology

Seif El-Din Mofty

The Corona Virus

Karim Mohamed

The Memory

Nouran Adel

The Power of a Flower

Haneen Daniel, Zewail University

The Recycling of Food Waste as Non-Resistant Antibiotics

Jailan Essam Elhalawani, The American University in Cairo AUC

The Treasure inside the Junk. How Can MicorRNAs Cure Cancer?

Alaa Youssef, The American University in Cairo AUC

What Happens if Your Body Loses Control to New Blood Vessels?

Toka Ahmed, Zewail City

What is the Color of the Sun?

Moustafa Ashmawy