The egyptian national post organization past, present and future: The transformational process using ICT
Management Department
Over the last 20 years, the international postal sector has changed drastically due to several forces, including globalization, changing technology, greater demands for efficient services and market liberalization. For Egypt, keeping up with the changing atmosphere in the global market meant investing in information and communication technology. The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (MCIT), as part of its efforts to transforming government performance using ICT, chose the Egyptian National Post Organization (ENPO) as a model for ICT integrated government portal. The selection was due to ENPO's extensive network, the public's confidence and its trust in the organization. The case of ENPO, capitalizing on public-private partnership models, proved successful when reflecting ICT deployment for organizational transformation within the context of an emerging economy. In addition to its importance in providing eGovernment services to citizens, ENPO is evolving as a critical medium for effectively developing Egypt's eCommerce. This case study takes an in-depth look at how ICT has improved the quality and range of services offered by ENPO, while asserting the magnitude of its impact on the country's emergence as a competitor in today's global postal market. © 2010, IGI Global.
Publication Date
Document Type
Book Chapter
Book Title
Cases on Technology Innovation: Entrepreneurial Successes and Pitfalls
S Ann Becker; Robert Niebuhr
IGI Global
Hershey, PA
First Page
Last Page
Recommended Citation
APA Citation
Kamel, S.
(2010). The egyptian national post organization past, present and future: The transformational process using ICT. In S Ann Becker; Robert Niebuhr (Eds.), Cases on Technology Innovation: Entrepreneurial Successes and Pitfalls (pp. 246-266). IGI Global.
MLA Citation
Kamel, Sherif.
"The egyptian national post organization past, present and future: The transformational process using ICT." Cases on Technology Innovation: Entrepreneurial Successes and Pitfalls, edited by S Ann Becker; Robert Niebuhr, IGI Global, 2010. pp. 246-266