Web-based multi-user distributed and collaborative environment supporting emergency and relief activities
Mechanical Engineering Department
This chapter presents the conceptual development, design requirements and functional descriptions of a team based multi-user, web-based and global telecooperative system as a new multidisciplinary collaborative paradigm. This system uses as a foundation the distributed and collaborative intelligent environment (DCIE) developed by the author. Distance, time, and distribution are the main attributes of the telecooperative system and its applications. The developed system aims to carry out cooperative plans and processes over geographically distributed locations that lead to make well-informed decisions, better utilization of resources, enhance safety and reduce cost. In addition, this article foresees the role of Internet, information and communication technologies (ICTs) to support and enhance emergency management and relief activities in relation to natural and human made disasters, and human assistance activities. As an example of human made disasters, landmine disaster and humanitarian demining needs are introduced, and the core collaborative functional requirements are presented to support the integration of wide range of humanitarian demining activities, cooperation and coordination between all relevant parties at global, regional and local levels. © 2011, IGI Global.
Publication Date
Document Type
Book Chapter
Book Title
Technology for Facilitating Humanity and Combating Social Deviations: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Miguel Vargas Martin; Miguel A Garcia-Ruiz; Arthur Edwards
IGI Global
Hershey, PA
First Page
Last Page
Recommended Citation
APA Citation
Habib, M.
(2010). Web-based multi-user distributed and collaborative environment supporting emergency and relief activities. In Miguel Vargas Martin; Miguel A Garcia-Ruiz; Arthur Edwards (Eds.), Technology for Facilitating Humanity and Combating Social Deviations: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (pp. 151-171). IGI Global.
MLA Citation
Habib, Maki K..
"Web-based multi-user distributed and collaborative environment supporting emergency and relief activities." Technology for Facilitating Humanity and Combating Social Deviations: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, edited by Miguel Vargas Martin; Miguel A Garcia-Ruiz; Arthur Edwards, IGI Global, 2010. pp. 151-171