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History Department
The introduction argues that studying marriage in times of crisis provides an important lens onto the relationship between the institution and the nation. It explores the metaphorical links between marriage and the nation and the concrete ways in which the modern state has intervened in the private, marital lives of its citizens. The introduction highlights key points of comparison, notably gender, the tension between modernity and tradition, and the line between public and private. It explains why the modern period is a particularly eventful era to examine due to the rise of the modern nation-state, the peak of anticolonial struggles and postcolonial identity formation, and the emergence of media, among other phenomena. The introduction explains the chronological order, and thematic arrangement of the contributions, while providing brief summaries of each one. It concludes by acknowledging the limitations of the volume, while simultaneously proposing additional areas of scholarship.
Publication Date
Document Type
Book Chapter
Book Title
Domestic Tensions, National Anxieties: Global Perspectives on Marriage, Crisis, and Nation
Oxford University Press
New York
First Page
Last Page
marriage, crisis, law, nation, nationalism, law, interdisciplinary, tradition, modernity, gender
Recommended Citation
APA Citation
Kholoussy, H.
Celello, K.
(2016). Introduction: Global Perspectives on Marriage, Crisis, and Nation. Domestic Tensions, National Anxieties: Global Perspectives on Marriage, Crisis, and Nation. Domestic Tensions, National Anxieties: Global Perspectives on Marriage, Crisis, and Nation (pp. 1-15). Oxford University Press.
MLA Citation
Kholoussy, Hanan, et al.
"Introduction: Global Perspectives on Marriage, Crisis, and Nation. Domestic Tensions, National Anxieties: Global Perspectives on Marriage, Crisis, and Nation." Domestic Tensions, National Anxieties: Global Perspectives on Marriage, Crisis, and Nation, Oxford University Press, 2016. pp. 1-15