Working with street kids: unsettling accounts from the field
Social Research Center (SRC)
Kamal Fahmi In Latin America, Africa, Asia and eastern Europe, children and youth living on the streets are commonly referred to using the term street children. In North America and western Europe, the term homeless youth is used interchangeably with that of street children to refer to this population. Since the beginning of the 1980s, this social phenomenon has been increasingly preoccupying policy-makers, researchers and development planners. Despite the widespread concerns and the numerous intervention programmes, the street children phenomenon is escalating persistently worldwide and confusion still remains regarding the definition and conceptualization of these young populations living and surviving under circumstances that most would find unbearable (De Moura 2002; Cree et al. 2002) . This chapter draws on a participatory action research project started in 1993 with street children in Cairo. I was the principal in charge of this project. My responsibilities included overseeing the design and implementation of...
Publication Date
Winter 1-25-2021
Document Type
Book Chapter
Book Title
Marginality and exclusion in Egypt and the Middle East
Ray Bush , Habib Ayeb
Zed Books Ltd
First Page
Last Page
Middle East, North African Studies, marginalization, exclusion, Egypt, Mubarak
Recommended Citation
APA Citation
Fahmi, K.
(2021). Working with street kids: unsettling accounts from the field. In Ray Bush , Habib Ayeb (Eds.), Marginality and exclusion in Egypt and the Middle East (pp. 169-190). Zed Books Ltd.
MLA Citation
Fahmi, Kamal.
"Working with street kids: unsettling accounts from the field." Marginality and exclusion in Egypt and the Middle East, edited by Ray Bush , Habib Ayeb, Zed Books Ltd, 2021. pp. 169-190