Locating Marginality and Poverty in Egypt and the Middle East
Social Research Center (SRC)
Ray Bush Habib Ayeb Revolutionary upheaval in Egypt and Tunisia in 2011 has challenged many commentators to rethink their often limited interpretations of politics in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) . Ideas of an ‘Arab mentality’ or of Arab ‘mice’ content with ‘political passivity’ and of a region simply not ready for democratic deepening have been upset by momentous struggles to throw off the yoke of repression and struggle for new patterns of justice and equality (Fisk 2003; cf. Fisk 2011) . Yet commentators have been reluctant to talk about revolutionary struggles. There has also been a reluctance to contemplate agendas set by, among others, independent trade unions and the Youth Coalition in Egypt which pushed beyond the initial framing of rising demands for political rights to advance root-and-branch social and economic transformation. Commentary and analysis on the revolutions have preferred to speak of an ‘Arab spring’ or...
Publication Date
Winter 1-5-2021
Document Type
Book Chapter
Book Title
Marginality and exclusion in Egypt and the Middle East
Ray Bush , Habib Ayeb
Zed Books Ltd
First Page
Last Page
Middle East, North African Studies, marginalization, exclusion, Egypt, Mubarak
Recommended Citation
APA Citation
Ayeb, H.
Bush, R.
(2021). Locating Marginality and Poverty in Egypt and the Middle East. In Ray Bush , Habib Ayeb (Eds.), Marginality and exclusion in Egypt and the Middle East (pp. 3-13). Zed Books Ltd.
MLA Citation
Ayeb, Habib, et al.
"Locating Marginality and Poverty in Egypt and the Middle East." Marginality and exclusion in Egypt and the Middle East, edited by Ray Bush , Habib Ayeb, Zed Books Ltd, 2021. pp. 3-13