Implementing Business Intelligence in the Dynamic Beverages Sales and Distribution Environment
El Khazendar Business Research and Case Center
To compete successfully in today’s retail business arena, senior management are often demanding fast and responsive Information Systems that enable the company not only to manage its operations but to provide on-the-fly performance measurement through a variety of tools. Use of (ERP) systems have been slow in responding to these needs, despite the wealth of the internally generated business databases and reports as a consequence of functional integration. The specific nature and demands by those senior management staff require the congregation of many external data elements and use data mining techniques to provide fast discovery of performance slippages or changes in the business environment. Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence (BI) applications, evolved during the past few decades, have been implemented to respond to these needs. In this case write-up, we present how the ERP system was utilized as the backbone for use by BI tools and systems to provide Sales and Marketing units in a transnational company subsidiary in Egypt to actively respond to the demands for agile information services. The Egypt subsidiary is the HQ of the African region’s operations of several franchises and distributers of the company products, in addition to operating a beverage concentrate manufacturing plant in Egypt, which services the entire region’s beverage products needs.
Publication Date
Document Type
Book Chapter
Book Title
Cases on Business and Management in the MENA Region: New Trends and Opportunities
IGI Global
Cairo, Egypt
First Page
Last Page
Business Intelligence, Dynamic Beverages, Sales, Distribution
Recommended Citation
APA Citation
Akabawi, M. S.
Hodeeb, H.
(2011). Implementing Business Intelligence in the Dynamic Beverages Sales and Distribution Environment. Cases on Business and Management in the MENA Region: New Trends and Opportunities (pp. 156-176). IGI Global.
MLA Citation
Akabawi, Mahmoud, et al.
"Implementing Business Intelligence in the Dynamic Beverages Sales and Distribution Environment." Cases on Business and Management in the MENA Region: New Trends and Opportunities, IGI Global, 2011. pp. 156-176