Photographic Practices and the Egyptian Imaginary: “No Ideas But in Things”: A Documentary Art Short on Message
Cairo Papers in Social Science
This collection of essays builds on presentations and debates that were part of Cairo Papers 19th Annual Symposium, “Sights of Knowledge: Debates about Visual Production in the Middle East,” held in spring 2010. It also integrates commissioned contributions by other authors to reflect the wide scope of visual productions and engagements with and about the Middle East. Of special significance is a paper that deals with the 25 January Revolution and the visual productions and effects thereof. How was the revolution experienced through the visual production of everyday life on the square? And how and what forms of visual engagements allow us to tell different façades of experiences and demands that occasioned the revolution? Cairo Papers in Social Science 31:3/6
Publication Date
Document Type
Book Chapter
Book Title
Visual Productions of Knowledge Toward a Different Middle East
Hanan Sabea, Mark Westmoreland
American University in Cairo Press
First Page
Last Page
Cairo Papers in Social Science 31(3/4)
visual production, middle east, photographic practices, Egypt, imaginary, knowledge production, arts, film
Recommended Citation
APA Citation
Alwan, Y.
(2008). Photographic Practices and the Egyptian Imaginary: “No Ideas But in Things”: A Documentary Art Short on Message. In Hanan Sabea, Mark Westmoreland (Eds.), Visual Productions of Knowledge Toward a Different Middle East (pp. 32-52). American University in Cairo Press.
MLA Citation
Alwan, Yasser.
"Photographic Practices and the Egyptian Imaginary: “No Ideas But in Things”: A Documentary Art Short on Message." Visual Productions of Knowledge Toward a Different Middle East, edited by Hanan Sabea, Mark Westmoreland, American University in Cairo Press, 2008. pp. 32-52