Water-Energy-Food Nexus in the Era of Sustainable Development
Description or Abstract
Water, energy and food have been traditionally managed on a sectoral basis in separate institutions, without considering the cross-sectoral links between them. The interdependencies between these three resources have become a matter of concern for the global community as their scarcities increase. In order to combat resource scarcities and the resulting socio-economic conflicts, a nexus approach between water, energy and food has been introduced, whereby a nexus concept can be described as a process to link ideas and actions of different stakeholders from different sectors for achieving sustainable development. Although the WEF nexus has already contributed to the concept of sustainable development in different ways (solar desalination for food, integrated management of resources, and others), the nexus concept still needs further research to reach maturity. The presentation will focus on examples for the achievements in the area of WEF nexus and the relation to sustainable development. The potential of the WEF nexus to contribute to the future of communities will be illustrated.
sustainable development, energy, food, water
Center of Excellence for Water
Yasser El Shayeb
Performance Date
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1 hr 11min
Recommended Citation
Sewilam, Hani, "Water-Energy-Food Nexus in the Era of Sustainable Development" (2021). Audio & Video by Faculty: Webinars, interviews, documentaries, etc.... 13.