A Contemporary Odyssey: Dialectics of Love and Torture in Twentieth Century Egypt
Description or Abstract
The Center for Translation Studies presents an interdisciplinary lecture by Ahmad Ali Badawi, Egyptian researcher and translator from French into Arabic. In his lecture entitled "A Contemporary Odyssey: Dialectics of Love and Torture in Twentieth Century Egypt", Badawi discusses the intricate process of translating the work of Mahmoud Hussein, which is pseudonym for a pair of Egyptian communist writers (Bahgat Elnadi and Adel Rifaat) living in France. Their works are not only about political and religious issues, but include novels about love and relationships under the Nasser regime, which was restrictive for communists at the time.
Center for Translation Studies
Arts and Humanities
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Recommended Citation
Badawi, Ahmad Ali, "A Contemporary Odyssey: Dialectics of Love and Torture in Twentieth Century Egypt" (2018). Audio & Video by Faculty: Webinars, interviews, documentaries, etc.... 112.