
Public Policy Hub

Description or Abstract

This paper sheds light on the conceptual framework of productive cooperatives, identifies the distinctive characteristics of this type of enterprises and examines the economic and social relative importance of the sector. Based on the importance of the cooperatives sector at the international level, and because of the many local efforts in Egypt that are aimed at promoting cooperatives at large, this paper identifies areas which need to be attended to by suitable legesilative and policy support and also examines selected international experiences, in order to draw lessons learned that can positively reflect on the situation in Egypt.


productivity, Egypt, public policy


The Public Policy Hub was estabished in 2017 by Laila El Baradei (PI), Shahjahan Bhuiyan (Co-PI), and Mohamed Kadry (Program Manager)

Faculty Advisor

Khaled Abdelhalim

Content Type



eng|| ara


The Public Policy HUB, School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, AUC

Publisher Location


Policy Brief 16_En.pdf (6271 kB)
Policy Brief 16: Productive Cooperatives

Policy Brief 16_Ar.pdf (13209 kB)
موجز سياسات 16: التعاونيات الإنتاجية