RTL-Repo: A Benchmark for Evaluating LLMs on Large-Scale RTL Design Projects

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Computer Science & Engineering Department

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Computer Science & Engineering Department

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Ahmed Allam, Mohamed Shalan

Document Type

Research Article

Publication Title

2024 IEEE LLM Aided Design Workshop, LAD 2024

Publication Date





Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated potential in assisting with Register Transfer Level (RTL) design tasks. Nevertheless, there remains to be a significant gap in benchmarks that accurately reflect the complexity of real-world RTL projects. To address this, this paper presents RTL-Repo, a benchmark specifically designed to evaluate LLMs on large-scale RTL design projects. RTL-Repo includes a comprehensive dataset of more than 4000 Verilog code samples extracted from public GitHub repositories, with each sample providing the full context of the corresponding repository. We evaluate several state-of-the-art models on the RTL-Repo benchmark, including GPT-4, GPT-3.5, Starcoder2, alongside Verilog-specific models like VeriGen and RTLCoder, and compare their performance in generating Verilog code for complex projects. The RTL-Repo benchmark provides a valuable resource for the hardware design community to assess and compare LLMs' performance in real-world RTL design scenarios and train LLMs specifically for Verilog code generation in complex, multi-file RTL projects. RTL-Repo is open-source and publicly available on Github1


Conference Paper. Record derived from SCOPUS.
