
Recent studies across the different countries suggested that the gender wage gap is not constant in terms of magnitude across the wage distribution adding to the fact that the average wage gap provides limited information on females’ relative position in the labor market. Employing the micro-level data from the Egyptian Labor Force Panel Survey (ELMPS) in 2018, this study investigates the gender wage gap in Egypt across the wage distribution. The quantile regression and the decomposition analysis results in a number of striking results in the Egyptian labor market. The first is that the gender wage gap is not constant across the wage distribution. The second is that the wage gap is more pronounced in the lower quantiles indicating a severe sticky floors effect. The third is that, at the right tail of the wage distribution, a minor glass ceiling effect is found. Finally, female workers are more endowed than their male peers across all the wage distribution yet large wage gaps were evidently indicating an increasing labor market discrimination towards females, especially in the lower segments of the wage distribution.


School of Global Affairs and Public Policy


Public Policy & Administration Department

Degree Name

MA in Public Policy

Graduation Date

Spring 6-25-2022

Submission Date


First Advisor

Rana Hendy

Committee Member 1

Rana Hendy

Committee Member 2

Ghada Barssoum

Committee Member 3

Rania Roushdy


65 p.

Document Type

Master's Thesis

Institutional Review Board (IRB) Approval

Not necessary for this item
